

YaoYao- Jump Rope Counter App Author
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HeadsUp is an app that detects head position by camera or AirPods and helps to keep sitting posture. Turn on the camera or wear AirPods, and start sitting guarding. when you lower and tilt your head, the watermelon will fall down.
Slouch alert, posture monitor

YaoYao - Jump Rope is an Apple Watch standalone app for Jump Rope.

YaoYao - Jump Rope
Apple Watch standalone app for Jump Rope

Lean - Bodyweight Workout is a repetition counter design for Bodyweight strength training. It utilizes the iPhone motion sensor to calculate your movement repetition and time.

Lean choose the classic exercises which cover all body muscle:

- Push-up

- Sit-up

- Squat

- Pull-up

- Bar Dip

- Plank

- Bridge

Lean - Bodyweight Workout
Lean - Bodyweight Workout
A repetition counter for Bodyweight strength training.

YaoYao- Jump Rope Counter for Apple Watch is a standalone app on Apple Watch, it can records jump count make people keep it up. The App has a voice tip sound every 100 times make it easy to know how many jumps without a glance.

YaoYao- Jump Rope Counter for Apple Watch
YaoYao- Jump Rope Counter for Apple Watch
The Jump Rope Workout App design for Apple Watch