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SafeSpace is the most advanced corona safety system developed to perform social distancing, vital monitoring, occupancy, monitoring and triaging.
System uses wearable, beacon sensors and pervasive computing solutions to detect, monitor, alert and manage.

SafeSpace Corona Safety System
CoronaProof Your Place

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When I asked the original maker she said : Twitter discussion inspired me to bring the help and news at one place and give a curated site to hold on everything flowing in different direction.

Covid 19 Help Stash
Help from all corners stashed at one place

A stash of all the covid 19 related help, research , news and tracker

Covid 19 Help Stash
Help from all corners stashed at one place

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Tapglue Elements
Turn your app into a social network with one line of code

Free Mobile Data for Keeping Apps. Robinhood of 3rd World.