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Tax deductions are a yearly source of confusion for many Aussies. This comprehensive guide is easy to understand, and filled with practical examples, tips & tricks, and gotchas.
🎯 Never miss a claim
🌱 Maximise your returns
🦠 Updated for 19/20 COVID changes

The Tax Deductions Guide for Australians
How to maximise every deduction, written in plain English!

Haichen Wang
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Hi PH!
This one is just for my fellow Australians 🦘
After being stood down from my job due to COVID, I took a stab at self publishing on a topic that has been a bug bear of mine for many years.
Tax deductions information falls into the hell hole of
1) Written by government departments
2) SEO and lead gen bait by every financial institution in the country
3) Being pretty boring! 😴

The Tax Deductions Guide for Australians
How to maximise every deduction, written in plain English!

Cluey lets you quickly search and compare over 4,500 travel destinations.
Discover better value, closer and more compatible destinations for your next holiday. Search using travel time, safety, popularity, weather, over 90 activities and much more!
Cluey Travel
Discover your perfect travel destination

Haichen Wang
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Hi All 👋 Thanks to @chrismessina for hunting us.
We're proud to show our (still a little bit ugly) baby to the world.
Cluey came about because we wanted to help people make smarter decisions on their largest purchases.
Nowhere is this more obvious than in travel. When a traveller asks, where can I go in October, which is warm, dry, and LGBT friendly, with great wineries and beaches? A Google...
Cluey Travel
Discover your perfect travel destination

Haichen Wang
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Does anyone have insight into how these types of sites work? Is there smarts behind it looking for deals or are they being pushed packages and sales from the usual suspects? Skyscanner, Expedia etc

Get notified of find amazing flight deals via email or text

Haichen Wang
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Thanks to everyone who's done it so far.
132 unique locations have been recommended so far. Very diverse
Aalborg, Denmark
Aarhus, Denmark
Alesund, Norway
Alta, Norway
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Antequera, Spain
Auckland, New Zealand
Auronzo di Cadore, Italy
Austin, United States
Azores, Portugal
Bali, Indonesia
Barcelona, Spain
Berlin, Germany
Bodo, Norway
Bolton, England
Cluey Travel Chatbot
Discover your perfect travel destination

Haichen Wang
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If you'd like to fast forward and see a result: ✌️
Cluey Travel Chatbot
Discover your perfect travel destination

Haichen Wang
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Hi PH! I'm Haichen, one of the creators of Cluey. @chrismessina - thanks for hunting us.
We're a bootstrapped startup from Sydney committing one of the cardinal sins of startups: building a travel product 🤘
We built Cluey because even though taking a vacation is a huge time and financial commitment travel research itself seems to be a combination of reading blogs and 5 year old (locked)...
Cluey Travel Chatbot
Discover your perfect travel destination

Access data on travel destinations like never before to discover your hidden gems.
🤔 Answer some questions
💌 Get personalised, quantitative recommendations for YOU
📍 Explore destinations that meet your needs
⚖️ A load balancer for travelers!
Cluey Travel Chatbot
Discover your perfect travel destination

Haichen Wang
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I really enjoy Tyler's writing when it comes to travel. Will definitely look at picking this up.

Stubborn Attachments
A contemporary moral case for economic growth by Tyler Cowen

Haichen Wang
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Great map ux/ui! Any insights on how it was built? A lot smoother than other examples i've seen.
I'm also currently working on something in the travel space and have been following you guys since beta. The jump in the product is huge! Great job :)
FarCloser Travel
Map based tour and cruise discovery and comparison made easy

Haichen Wang
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Hi Pieter, great product (again)! On a related note, are you still planning on open sourcing's site?
Financial Independence Calculator
How early can you 🍹retire if you move to another place?

Learn, explore, and document your geologic world

Haichen Wang
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Wish it was available on non iOs

Startup Patterns
Bite-sized startup lessons for busy founders

Haichen Wang
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Seems like a no brainer to showcase it's capabilities by servicing the site that sells it.

Watson Virtual Agent
Help your customers with cognitive customer engagement

Haichen Wang
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Great idea! Question, how is it different from ? I'm looking for something we can host on prem for enterprise due to privacy and security concerns. We'd be including code snippets for communication with end points etc

A beautiful way to manage your UI patterns.

Haichen Wang
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Err... I think this is more of a self promotional ad than a hunt.

Learn programming by looking at real code examples

Haichen Wang
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Not so relevant for a lot of the audience here but managing rosters, schedules and shifts is a huge headache for a lot of traditional companies that still rely on human labour to complete tasks (and will do for the foreseeable future). If there was a decent offering through O365 I'm sure a lot of CIOs would cry tears of joy. Really keen to see what comes of this.

Project Sonoma
The one-stop app for deskless workers by Microsoft

Haichen Wang
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Awesome, great work @jamieskella

A public transport app that works everywhere