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Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Interesting product - just not sure about the application
Standup Bot
Standup Bot
Running Slack's fastest standup meetings
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Is this made by Basecamp? Because it looks like it was...
Standup Bot
Standup Bot
Running Slack's fastest standup meetings
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Love that placeholder text tho ;)
Learn how to code on your iPhone๐Ÿ“ฑ
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Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Is this like Gyroscope?
The story of your life that writes itself.
Gyan Prayaga
Dude I Need a Truck
Dude I Need a Truck
Instantly connect to a local Dude with a truck ๐Ÿš›
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Amazing product Sam! Signed up and really looking forward to using it :)
Sage Project
Beautiful visualization of nutritional facts ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ‰๐ŸŒฎ
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Beautifully designed & executed app. Great job on the launch!
Password-free signups. No social network required.
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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How does this stack up against the $9 Chip computer?
Pine A64
Pine A64
First $15 64-Bit single board super computer
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Intriguing podcast! Thanks for posting :)
Radiolab - The Trust Engineers
Radiolab - The Trust Engineers
Inside Facebook's lab of human behavior
Gyan Prayaga

Create a bulletin board for your community
Gyan Prayaga
Gyan Prayaga
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Congrats on the launch! Love the font choice :)
Stylists help you find clothes you'll love. For Free.
Gyan Prayaga
Wikibeatiful makes Wikipedia clean and readable with a click