Guy Nirpaz

Guy Nirpaz

Unlocking human potential with AI
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Guy Nirpaz
We came up with a new customer success technology - simple! With a few easy steps you can get up and running. Signup for a free account, follow the instructions and you're ready to go.
Oh, and BTW - you can get started today, for FREE.
Totango 2021 (Fiji)
Totango 2021 (Fiji)
Simple, yet powerful Customer Success technology
Guy Nirpaz
Totango's FREE Community Edition democratizes access to Customer Success technology. It's built for teams or individuals just getting started in Customer Success and looking for ways to scale their organization and learn Customer Success.
Totango Community Edition
Totango Community Edition
FREE customer success product
Guy Nirpaz
Farm Don't Hunt
Farm Don't Hunt
The definitive guide to customer success