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Definitely. Actually, coming from Indie Hackers I was a bit disappointed not to be able to post updates on the product. Looking forward to it! 🤓
Would you share product updates on Product Hunt between launches?
Jamie Sprowl
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I made this for a friend who is a daily blogger when Blogger’s FollowByEmail widget went away in 2021, and after about six months got something working. 🤓
It’s been working well for about 18 months now, and I think this can be useful for other bloggers. 😇 — I am here looking to either confirm or infirm that, so any feedback is appreciated! 🙂
Content distribution for pro bloggers

Automatically send your latest post directly to your subscribers’ inboxes. Focus on the part that you love: creating content. We take care of distribution.
Content distribution for pro bloggers