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Gunaseelan Mani
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Dux-Soup is a chrome extension lead generation tool for LinkedIn. It helps making notes, tags, returning profile visits in an efficient way. With more and more business generation getting to social media and particularly LinkedIn, this tool helps to manage lead generation in the most efficient way.

Dux-Soup (Lead generation for LinkedIn)
Lead Generation, LinkedIn, Automation

Dux-Soup (Lead generation for LinkedIn)
Lead Generation, LinkedIn, Automation

Gunaseelan Mani
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It's a much required solution and that's why I signed up as and when it was hunted on PH. 3 days back all of a sudden my login was not recognized and I was asked to sign up again. When I asked about it in the chat, I'vent got an response for the last 3 days. No one had even seen the message yet. I understand there will be glitches in a product-in-making but we are also at risk exposing our...
Your smart search 🔍 assistant across personal cloud ☁️

Gunaseelan Mani
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Though it sounds counter intuitive in this era of big data, Small Data delves deep into the cultural fabrics of customers to understand their purchase decisions. The framework could be used for understanding technology users also.

Small Data
Big insights from Martin Lindstorm

Small Data
Big insights from Martin Lindstorm

Gunaseelan Mani
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I had 20 tabs and then the browser crashed. I got OneTab and then the list never ends :)

Save 95% memory by converting all your open tabs into a list

Gunaseelan Mani
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Wonderful. No support for PH? This' blasphemy :)

Dark themes for Google, Facebook and more

Gunaseelan Mani
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@annchanyt Who's demand is to have 3 website links on the 'Get It' dropdown? And the bottom 2 of them lead to product hunt again. :)

Create an on-demand business in minutes

Gunaseelan Mani
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http://🐱🏈🐟🚵🎺🐘🍔🍇.🍕💩.ws that's product hunt version 1
http://🐟🍈🍊🍉⛳🐕🍅🐮.🍕💩.ws product hunt version 2
Why not let us choose our own emoji?
The emoji URL shortener (🍕💩.ws)

Just saw that this social media product is not listed yet.

Gunaseelan Mani
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Interesting. There is a great possibility to take this to other regionals for greater reach. :)

helps writing multilingual JavaScript