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Guido Arata
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Sounds very promising, will check it out! Can you help me understand what are the advantages over building a Selenium test suite? Thanks and all the best!

An end-to-end testing framework for Javascript 🛠️

Guido Arata
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Terrific product guys, seems like you just built the tool I was waiting for and I was shocked that no big players sguys ;) yet. You made it. For example the real-time data connector is an idea as simple as terrific. Great job will test it out on real app soon. Good luck from Italy guys

Creo 1.0
The new way to build native mobile applications

Guido Arata
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Hi @aazar_ali_shad I started following your to-do and I arrived at the section: Records of Processing Activities. For each activity (I have set almost 40) I'm asked for a lot of informations. Of course I'm gonna compile them properly, but I would like to know in advance what will be the output: based on the informations provided for each single Processing Activity ( are...
The guided GDPR task management tool