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  • Realmac Software is an independent software company based in Brighton, England.
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    Realmac Software
  • Time to achieve your dreams.
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  • Jetpack is the fastest way to manage and copy hashtags for Instagram. It allows Instagrammers to copy a perfectly formatted set of hashtags to their clipboard with one tap instead of fiddling with iOS' clumsy tap-hold-select-drag-copy gestures. Jetpack aims to replace the scrappy Notes nearly every Instagrammer today uses to manage their hashtags.
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  • Moonshot is an app to help entrepreneurs and creators keep track and plan their next big idea The idea was to help creators start to plan their idea, without the hassle of researching how to make a business plan. I also wanted Moonshot to encourage users to complete their idea by setting milestones and showing your progress. I hope you enjoy.
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