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‘The Gregory Nesmith Show’ - A Special Delivery Of UNderdogStuff™
Episode "Election Reflection" #TheBlameGame

Dudes of Disruption: EP 77 - Taking Off The Mask: Men & Authenticity
We all have a mask or two we hide behind.

Dudes of Disruption - Ep 75 Your Job Is Killing You
What if we could be fulfilled and happy at work?

Dudes of Disruption Ep 74 - Election 2016: What's Going On?
The Dudes discuss this entertaining race for president

Dudes of Disruption - Ep 73 - Men & Loyalty: You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide
Men tend to run away and not lean in when things get messy.

Dudes of Disruption Ep 72 - What Do Women Really Want?
Because Us Dudes Apparently Have No Effing Idea.

Dudes of Disruption Episode 71 - Secrets, Lies & Men
Are your secrets keeping your safe or holding you hostage?

Dudes of Disruption Ep 70 - Grow Up Already: How Your 10 Year Old Self Runs Your Life
The origins of our core beliefs about ourselves

Dudes of Disruption Episode 69 - When In Doubt, Focus Out: How Contribution Helps YOU Grow
There’s a bigger game going on in life... play your part

Dudes of Disruption: Ep 68 - THE WAITING GAME - Sex, Secrets, & Success
There is NO perfect moment, except maybe right now!

Dudes of Disruption: Ep 66: Give It To Me Baby! - Men & Sex Part 1
The dudes take on what is clearly our favorite subject, #SEX

Dudes of Disruption Ep 64 - Who’s The Boss? Men are you ready to report to a woman?
How men relate to working with and for women.

Dudes of Disruption - Episode 15 - Where are you being a Drama Queen?
Are you addicted to creating drama in your life?

Dudes of Disruption - Ep 12 - Religion - Our Automatics, Core Beliefs and Blind Faith
The Dudes take on Religion, another hot button topic...

Dudes of Disruption - Ep 61: Not Now Honey: Men, Sex & Relationships
Dudes take on how Men relate to #sex inside of relationships

Dudes of Disruption: Making It In America w/ John Basset III
American Businessman and Author discusses his book

Dudes of Disruption - 60: Who's Your Daddy?
The impact fathers have on us and our own children

Dudes of Disruption - 24: Inspiring Others: What's Getting In The Way?
What's stopping your ability to move others into action?

Dudes of Disruption - 39: Give Up Now: Why Your New Year's Resolutions Won’t Work
6 mos into the year, how are those resolutions doing?