Gaurav Guha

Gaurav Guha

107 points
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Gaurav Guha
Filter the top 1% candidates 3x faster with You can focus on onboarding, while we find the perfect fit.
Hiring made super-easy with the power of AI
Gaurav Guha
A centralized repository for all the resources you need to create, build, and use with Design Systems.
Start Design System
All the help you need in building your design system.
Gaurav Guha
Sharedo provides you with an interface to manage roles and permissions for Laravel apps. You can assign read or write permissions to a user and remove the permissions as required. It is powered by Inertia.js and Laravel Bouncer.
Share Popup for Laravel Apps
Gaurav Guha
Formst is a JavaScript library for structuring and validating forms in React. It is based on MobX-State-Tree which makes it simple and performant and it is built on the principles of "UI as an afterthought".
Model-driven form library for React
Gaurav Guha
React Native ARIA provides a set of React hooks that handles behaviour, accessibility and interactions so you can implement custom components and design systems for Android, iOS and Web.
React Native ARIA
React Native ARIA
React Hooks to make accessible React Native design systems
Gaurav Guha
Flutter Starter helps you to build production ready apps super fast! Handle everything from state-management to API calls at one place so you don't have to rewrite code. Our top-notch documentation is at your disposal.
Flutter Starter
Flutter Starter
A Flutter starter-kit for production-level apps
Gaurav Guha
apibeats is an API maintenance platform that notifies teams on Slack & Email when the API changes. It lets you create collections of endpoints and watch them for changes, test your API collections and document them.
apibeats | API Maintenance Platform
apibeats | API Maintenance Platform
An API platform that notifies changes via Slack & Email.
Gaurav Guha
Gaurav Guha
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