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no multi-language support
no email follow ups
Smallchat 2.0
Slack app for chatting with visitors to your website.

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nice! do you happen to have written an article for the "behind the scenes" of that project?

A hub for developer videos.

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doesn't work with SASS, kinda useless

A live design output that integrates with code editor

left a comment extension emails are all marked as disposable, why?

Free email verification API

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great, although none of the tools come close to the screen sharing experience available under native macOS :(

Screen Sharing in Slack
A simple way to share your ideas and your screen

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finally, had a hard time finding decent music, would spend way too much time searching/skipping than just enjoying music. Cool thing is, I get new decent tracks every day now

SoundCloud Discover
Music recommendations based on your listening history 🎶

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Just found this, I am a mid-power user coming from Airmail, giving this a try. looks neat so far. Will be checking in a week or so.

Canary Mail
Easy, elegant email for Mac

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tried this out today, I love the concept, but the music changes very abruptly in speed, very robotic and unnatural, hope it improves
Weav Run
Running music that speeds up and slows down to your rhythm

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awesome, you should create FB group where people can share and ask questions...I am using Framer, but one thing it lacks is exportability
Build the most powerful web apps .. with magic 💫

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been using it for a while now, the only task tracker that works seamlessly with Trello and has everything built in that I need for my workflow.

PomoDoneApp for Mac, Windows, Linux & Android
Pomodoro timer for your productivity tool

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pretty cool, quick question, outlook and hotmail are treated differently? I got a hotmail, choosing outlook for setup fails...I thought they shared the same server settings
The new face of email is fast, elegant, powerful, expressive

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this is helpful, very much appreciated. We are in the process of creating our first SaaS product, this is a very good reminder for us that features we are working on are know, because after struggling you tend to give in and tell yourself "well, this feature is not as important" .... but it IS!
A guide to building the SaaS features that enterprises love.

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I am unable to install apps. Service still up?

App distribution made simple again