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Gonçalo Henriques
I’ve built this illusion in lego inspired by similar paintings that I love and with a set like this we can rebuild it into several other optical illusions and patters. Support here
When you think you’ve seen everything with Lego, think again
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
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Congrats, this looks sleek.
Airtable meets Tableau
+1 comment
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
started a discussion

Monetize your Notion pages

Stop losing sales when customers share your Gumroad links. No more public links, no more shared passwords.
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
started a discussion

EDGE - Experiment driven growth engine

For the past year, I've been working on experimentation and used a version of Airtable's EVELYN template to organize, prioritize, and keep track of the experiments. One of the problems I've faced was how to keep everything documented, synced, and organized, especially if the company uses different tools like Jira, Confluence, and Asana to keep track of everything else. When I joined Krisp I...
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
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A total ripoff of Drew's nocode list. Shame.
NoCode Tool List by WeLoveNoCode
200+ no code tools and a project cost calculator
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
started a discussion

How do you get users feedback of your product?

I'd like to add the option for my users to give feedback, request features and report bugs. What options are out there?
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
left a comment
This is really cool guys. Congrats.
QR Code Payments
Cashless transactions for your business
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
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A super promising no-code tool. I'm super excited for this launch.
Design and launch dynamic websites in one place with no code
Gonçalo Henriques
Gonçalo Henriques
left a comment
Congrats. Great job.
Get Stackd 2.0
Get Stackd 2.0
Get the best no-code tech stack to make your next app 🔑