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One of the unique features in this app is being able to scan your own tattoos with camera. You can scan tattoos of your friends or tattoo catalogs.
You can upload screenshots of tattoo images you found in the instagram, pinterest or any other site. It doesnt matter which site. Our app wil analyze the tattoo image, extract all information about tattoo, you can create variant tattoo designs from...

Tattoo Dream: AI Tattoo Design for iOS
Create and Edit Tattoos with power of AI

Dream Tattoo app generates unique tattoo designs, analyzes tattoos, shows the meaning of tattoos.
One of the unique features in this app is being able to scan your own tattoos with camera. You can scan tattoos of your friends or tattoo catalogs.

Tattoo Dream: AI Tattoo Design for iOS
Create and Edit Tattoos with power of AI

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Searching for exporting code in framer, found out your product and tried it. It just took me 3 seconds to navigate to your website than download the code. Very useful tool, thanks for building it. I was using framer but couldnt host it or change some javascript codes. Your code created fully responsive html file.

Export your Webflow or Framer website for Free

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We developed this product for every internet user. Everyday big websites or systems getting hacked. Our valuable data may be in hackers hands. So we need to keep track of which sites been hacked. Enter your email and our mobile app will find your data in hacked sites database. Learn if your password is publicly accessible, if accessible you can generate new password in our app.

Check if your email or password got stolen