Molly Retter

Molly Retter

coder, founder, hapa, ex-beer/biglaw
8 points
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Molly Retter
Molly Retter
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Molly Retter
Molly Retter
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Less bloated Pinterest alternative?

Hi PH community! Does anyone use/make any products that are Pinterest alternatives? I need to make a few curated collections to share with someone and Pinterest is so clunky and bloated now. I would love to hear what products you use to save images, tag them, and put them in collections. Thanks!
Molly Retter
Molly Retter
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so cool!
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Molly Retter
I ask "how are you today?" to people in marginalized groups in tech. I want them to know they're not alone and help teammates learn how to be allies. Let's all start active listening, be kind, and end imposter syndrome. Please free to fill out the form!
UOK? perspective on diversity in tech
UOK? perspective on diversity in tech
it's hard being different in tech but you're not alone