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Graham Lipsman
Get a custom website audit and action plan to optimize your eCommerce performance. Each audit is prioritized by ROI (a matrix of potential revenue and effort), so you can focus on the most important fixes and optimizations first. Try for free today.
Flourish Commerce Website Audit
Grow your eCommerce business through conversion optimization
Graham Lipsman
Graham Lipsman
started a discussion

How do you project manage your marketing?

Leaving this purposely open-ended because I think the answers could be really interesting—and really different! Some gestures in the direction I'm thinking: * How do you organize/store your ideas? * How much do you have in a marketing "system"? * How do you balance your marketing efforts with other priorities? And so on...
Graham Lipsman
Graham Lipsman
left a comment
Exactly what you're doing!
Austin Armstrong
How do you engage with the Product Hunt community before your launch?
Austin Armstrong
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Graham Lipsman
Graham Lipsman
started a discussion

What review site drives the most qualified traffic?

Maybe this is a funny question to ask here, but of the review sites like G2, Trustpilot, Product Hunt, etc, which one have you prioritized getting reviews on first? How'd you decide? Which if any have driven signups?
Graham Lipsman
Graham Lipsman
started a discussion

Thoughts on the near future of AI in B2B products

I spent the last week adding AI to my product, Flourish Commerce. We do UX and conversion rate optimization audits for eCommerce stores. Now, I'm impressed by AI just generally speaking. As someone who's been working with computers my whole life it's mind blowing that you can upload a screenshot of an eCommerce site and the computer can describe what it's looking at. However. When you ask...
Graham Lipsman
Txt Muse is the only AI writing tool that helps you write better, not faster. Shape text with AI tools and simplify sentences or improve flow. Break writer's block with autocomplete. Build your own AI tools and take your writing to the next level.
Txt Muse
Txt Muse
Write 10x better, not 10x faster
Graham Lipsman
Get a beautiful, printer-friendly version of any Wikipedia article without putting your ink cartridge through an endurance test. Strip out images, summary tables, and the pages and pages of references and citations Wikipedia includes by default.
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