Giselle Barbosa

Giselle Barbosa

Co-founder and CEO of Reflect AI.


I am the co-founder and CEO of Reflect - the latest mobile fitness app that uses AI to coach users through their workouts. I also co-founded Dinomonks - one of the first mental health and wellness companies in the Web3 space. We worked alongside wellness leaders in the space such as Deepak Chopra. Dinomonks was acquired 1 year after launch. Sports, health and fitness have always played a huge role in my life. I am an ex-professional athlete having competed in sport my entire life. I have a degree in Sport Psychology, an Honours in Clinical Psychology, and have a certification in Exercise Science.


Founder & Leadership



Maker History

  • Reflect AI
    Reflect AI
    Coaching you through your workouts using AI.
    Aug 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJuly 25th, 2023