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Metering your product usage data manually? Switch to & turn millions of rows of usage data into Stripe invoices in just 3 clicks. This means no more billing errors & no more manual grunt work. Launch usage based pricing for your product in days.
Automated metering and billing for usage based pricing

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Super exciting idea!
I have a suggestion, instead of showing the option just to share the link, why don't you let me add e-mail IDs and your app can send an e-mail automatically after 30 days of inactive use?
This way, the receiver need not be worried about storing the link and receiving it when needed.
So, basically:
1. Add e-mails
2. Setup "inactive days for trigger" (maybe 30,60,90 days...

iDied – After death notes
Like online will, but for notes

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You might have to check the mobile responsive version. And for some reason you've spelt "Designer" as "Desginer". 😅

Looking 2 Work
Reversing the job search model

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Mobbin is beautifully designed and has great UX. Good work on this one. This would be one place I frequent, during my leisure. Thanks again!
Latest mobile design patterns & elements library

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I'm actually doing a year long challenge, in Design UI.UX.! What a co-incidence! haha
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