George Krasadakis

George Krasadakis

Product Architect, Innovation Leader
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George Krasadakis
Ainna empowers product managers and innovators to accelerate ideation, innovation, and product development. Instead of just generating ideas, Ainna collaborates with the innovator to transform high-potential ideas into well-defined product concepts.
Ainna – the AI Innovation Advisor
Ainna – the AI Innovation Advisor
Partner with AI: Transform Your Ideas into Product Concepts
George Krasadakis
Unique insights on the topic of Artificial Intelligence by 60 global thought leaders - Technology leaders, Startup founders, Business executives, Authors, Researchers, and Ethicists across industries and regions.
From Algorithms to Ethics. A holistic view of AI
George Krasadakis
We asked some of the best across the globe - CxOs, academics, technologists, innovation leaders, entrepreneurs, and start-up founders - to answer a fixed set of challenging questions on innovation. ‘60 LEADERS ON INNOVATION’ presents their unique perspectives.
60 Leaders on Innovation
60 Leaders on Innovation
22 tough innovation questions answered by 60 thought leaders
George Krasadakis
The Innovation Toolkit consists of novel templates helping innovation teams to articulate problems, ideas and product concepts with clarity and consistency. The 'Hack Pack' includes templates for defining business experiments, hackathons and assessing ideas.
The Innovation Toolkit
The Innovation Toolkit
Empower your Innovators - faster and more focused innovation
George Krasadakis
This book presents unique insights and advice on defining and managing the innovation transformation journey. Using novel ideas, examples and best practices, it empowers leaders to drive cultural, technological and organizational changes toward innovation.
The Innovation Mode
The Innovation Mode
Book to help you make your business an innovation powerhouse