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  • Radomir Basta

    Radomir Basta

    CEO at Four Dots, Reportz, Dibz & Base
    175 points
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    Radomir Basta
    Cue is a social proof and CRO tool that will help you turn visitors into paying customers.
    It displays bubble-style notifications which leverages social proof, FOMO and urgency signals to increase your authority and convert your visitors.
    Social proof, FOMO & conversion optimization tool
    Radomir Basta
    With Reportz you can pull data from all major platforms used by professionals in digital marketing industry like Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and others in one interactive dashboard that you can send to your client in under 5 minutes.
    Reportz v2.0
    All-in-one reporting tool for digital marketers
    Radomir Basta

    Dibz is a tool that automates your link building, guest post, influencers & bloggers outreach. By combining multiple API’s, custom spam factors and unique algorithm, Dibz filters your query searches while providing you with top-notch opportunities - on autopilot.

    Put your link building efforts on autopilot
    Radomir Basta

    Reportz was built with only two simple goals in mind: 1. To save loads of your time on monthly and weekly reporting; 2. To make your clients and bosses happy by providing them with clear, concise and easily-understandable KPI reports.

    Custom dashboard reporting tool for SEO, PPC & SEM agencies