Garrett Cahill

Garrett Cahill

Building the best products possible.
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Garrett Cahill
Dealwise helps startups with $1M-$10M in annual revenues get acquired. We run a confidential process to get you offers from strategic & financial buyers in half the time of traditional M&A advisors and without locking you into multi-year exclusivity contracts.
AI powered M&A advisor for startups
Garrett Cahill
Firebay Studios uses synthetic voices to make creating audio ads SIMPLE. With our product, a user inputs their script, selects a voice and music, and in a matter of seconds receives a broadcast quality ad.
Firebay Studios
Firebay Studios
Create a radio ad in seconds
Garrett Cahill
Touchbase is a CRM that automatically updates after each customer interaction. For reps, this eliminates hours of admin work a week spent updating the CRM. For sales leaders, this is the only way to ensure that high-quality data is produced from your team.
Touchbase CRM
Touchbase CRM
A CRM that updates itself