Michael Galluppo

Michael Galluppo

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Michael Galluppo
The new & improved OLY.AI now provides greater drill down & accuracy giving you insights into your books in minutes.
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OLY.AI uses SaaS to deliver instant answers, charts & tables
Michael Galluppo
OLY.AI offers user-friendly natural language apps that instantly answer metric questions using QuickBooks Online. Users can simply speak or type their questions to receive responses with real-time data & charts.
Instant answers using SaaS data from sources like QuickBooks
Michael Galluppo
OLY.AI offers user-friendly natural language bots that instantly answer metrics questions using SaaS data sources. Users simply speak or type their questions to receive responses with real-time data. OLY.AI makes information more accessible & saves time.
NLU Bots for Business
Michael Galluppo
Michael Galluppo
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Question: what does hunting entail? Can I hunt for other people right now as someone with a small following?
Abdoul Rachid Tapsoba
Is it better to enlist influential Hunters or do a self-launch?
Abdoul Rachid Tapsoba
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Michael Galluppo
Michael Galluppo
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What do you mean by employee engagement activities? Are these extracurricular activities like happy hour or team bonding workshops?
Saifullah Khan
What are your thoughts on employee engagement activities? Do they really help/motivate?
Saifullah Khan
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Michael Galluppo
Michael Galluppo
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Movies & TV to inspire founders

Hi everyone! I'm Michael, CEO of OLY.AI, we're building natural language apps that use SaaS data to deliver instant metric answers about a business. It's Saturday night, so I figured I'd share some inspiring things to watch as a founder / entrepreneur / builder. Here are some favorites: General Magic - they dreamed up the iPhone in 1989...
Michael Galluppo
Michael Galluppo
started a discussion

Movies & TV to inspire founders

Hi everyone! I'm Michael, CEO of OLY.AI, we're building natural language apps that use SaaS data to deliver instant metric answers about a business. It's Saturday night, so I figured I'd share some inspiring things to watch as a founder / entrepreneur / builder. Here are some favorites: General Magic - they dreamed up the iPhone in 1989...
Michael Galluppo
Michael Galluppo
started a discussion

Movies & TV to inspire founders

Hi everyone! I'm Michael, CEO of OLY.AI, we're building natural language apps that use SaaS data to deliver instant metric answers about a business. It's Saturday night, so I figured I'd share some inspiring things to watch as a founder / entrepreneur / builder. Here are some favorites: General Magic - they dreamed up the iPhone in 1989...