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  • Edwin Bühler

    Edwin Bühler

    Independent Engineer 👨‍💻


    Hi there 👋 I'm Edwin and an electrical engineer who worked for a while as a freelance Smalltalk developer for government agencies and insurance companies. I have been using Smalltalk since 1993: Digitalk/V, SmalltalkAgents, SmallScript, VisualAge, Squeak (Apple Smalltalk), Pharo, and VisualWorks. Other programming languages I've used over the years include Realbasic, Objective-C, Scala, Dart, Elixir, and Swift. And before that: Basic, Pascal, Pearl, Lisp and Assembler. The design of my programs should be aesthetic but as little design as possible.


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking

    Maker History

    • Changelog Publisher
      Changelog Publisher
      macOS app to manage and publish your changelogs
      Jun 2024
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntMay 22nd, 2024