Fu Fei

Fu Fei

Full-time PM | Part-time Indie Hacker
43 points
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Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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Mobile In-App Surveys & Heatmaps

Hey makers 👋 , What do you use for Mobile In-App Surveys & Heatmaps? Using HotJar for web but it doesn't work for mobile at the moment.
Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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I'm really into LunchClub right now. Easy way for introverts to network
Juan Sarmiento
What is the most underrated social platform?
Juan Sarmiento
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Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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There isn't really a SaaS tool great for positioning, but I recommend April Dunford's book. Obviously Awesome
Lisa Dziuba
Question to all Product Marketers & Product Managers: what tools do you use every week?
Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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working on avopos.com right now :)
Sani Moon
What side projects are you working on right now?
Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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What do you think the killer app for Zoom will be?

Hey 👋 PH makers, I'm sure you guys know, Zoom has created a $100m fund to support its app ecosystem. What do you think the killer apps will be? These are my Top 3 1. Auto-Translate: Let anyone speak their native tongue (i.e. You speak Urdu, I read English subtitles) 2. Direct Integration for Podcasters+Youtube: Record a session that gets posted as a podcast or YT video 3. Twitter Spaces or...
Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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Notion + Figma 2.0
Richard Fang
What's your favourite tool you've used as a founder?
Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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"Figuring out what to build"
How will you define your work in 5 words?
Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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Async reporting
Aaron O'Leary
What changes will you bring with you when we eventually get back to normal?
Aaron O'Leary
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Fu Fei
Fu Fei
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TikTok is 8% of ByteDance's revenue. Let that sink in
Shakif Fahim
What will be the next big IPO and why?
Fu Fei
Not sure why so site isn't converting?
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