All activity

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Curious to know how this extension is going to handle expected request volumen? Meaning in general, but also I expect request volume is going to be fairly heavy being on the front page of PH!

Bring the magic of ChatGPT to DuckDuckGo!

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Does Screencastify record *any* audio coming off your sound card, or only the mic input?

Record screencast in your Chrome tab

Startup Timelines
Mining the Internet Archive to see how startups evolve.

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Works on all 3 platforms? Nicely done.

Control your presentation with hand gestures

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Very cool. How does this have only 13 upvotes?

Code Fight Club
A fight club you can talk about. Less punching, more coding.

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Just watched Terry Gilliam's Zero Theorem this weekend. Amazon Dash would not have been out of place, in fact, would fit perfectly in.
Amazon Dash Button
Place it. Press it. Get it.

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Oops, thought this was crap taxonomies.

Crappy Taxidermy
The world's largest image depository of Hilarious Taxidermy

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"Petition" seems an odd choice of wording for a consumer demand survey.

Heat Map Microwave
Microwave w/ an IR camera. Visually displays food heat

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Trying not to read too much into a cannabis app being one of the very few ones that is Android, not iOS, only.
High There
Tinder for cannabis lovers

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Just noticed that it doesn't include multilingual as an item in the calculation & was wondering why that is?

How Much To Make An App
*Easily* calculate the cost of a mobile app

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Is this the one from TCDSF last year?

Real-time booking of freight shipping containers

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Bummer that you can't customize the message sent when you invite via email. Not just a bummer, but a deal-killer, since it doesn't even show you the text it is sending to your friends.
You can customize the facebook message, but invite via Twitter doesn't seem to be working– It only returned 100 followers.

The Better-Than-Pinterest for Men

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Similar to Coupons at Checkout (somewhat branding challenged at I wondered how nicely they played together, but then I see that CouponMate doesn't enter the codes directly into the checkout form.

Browser extension that automagically searches for coupons

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Nice. Only problem was the generated link to share just returns an internal error. Still useful.

How Much To Make An App
*Easily* calculate the cost of a mobile app

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It astounds me when I ask a bartender for a new cocktail recommendation and they just go blank. Of course I'd prefer if they used this app to expand their mixology (instead of me having to fire it up every time I'm in the mood for something new.)

101 Best New Cocktails
Curated & annotated by gaz regan

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If this had audio it would be perfect. (Also, more vocabulary.)

Learn Japanese each time you open a new tab

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Curious about the name, as I can't help being reminded of "Bobby Had a Nickel" and not sure if that was a sly reference.

A simple app to track your daily expenses

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This looks very cool, but curious why it's iOS 8 only. Which iOS 8 specific functionality do you need for the app to work?

Tinder for unfollowing people on Twitter

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Automatically updating all my account avatars with the latest shot would be the awesomesauce.

Automatic Selfie App
Get selfie every time you open MacBook lid