All activity

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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Nice one!

Notion Icons Generator
Add icons to all your Notion pages based on their title

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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Looks great! Can I import my IMDB lists to it?

Explore movies, tv shows and build stats from your ratings

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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Congrats on the launch, cool idea!
I've tried it out in Amsterdam, but it does not really work here it seems.

Pub Collector
Discover and collect the world's best pubs & plan pub crawls

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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This looks incredible Thomas, congrats!

Ultimate Brain for Notion
Tasks, notes, projects, and PARA organization all in Notion

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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It looks like somebody with a quad rental company in Greece is quite active!
Nice product!

Travel Tips
Creating more genuine travel experiences

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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Congrats Rachael! The tool looks nice. But does ⌘ ^ space not do the same? (not sure about windows users)

Copy & paste special character library, shortcuts, CSS codes

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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Congrats on the launch Mustafa!
Does your program include practical exercises as well?
Notion SQL Learning
Learn SQL the fast way, with Notion SQL Learning

Ferdinand Koelewijn
left a comment
Looks great!
Can I upload my IMDB watched and watch list?
Does it also do location-based streaming availability? (streaming services offer different selections per country)

FilmNoir: Movie & TV show tracker
Discover & track films & TV shows. Find out where to stream.

Ferdinand Koelewijn
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I would like to order a copy in The Netherlands. Any recommendations on where to buy?

An unorthodox guide to making things worth making

Ferdinand Koelewijn
left a comment
This is really nice!

To-Do Board
Making lists & notes for collaboration should be simple