Felipe Otálora

Felipe Otálora

CPO at treble.ai
94 points
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Felipe Otálora
Treble’s integration with Zoho CRM allows you to deploy WhatsApp campaigns, manage 1:1 conversation with sales reps and automate marketing efforts in a fast, intuitive, and scalable way. Grow your brand in WhatsApp, the most important sales & marketing channel
Treble.ai + Zoho CRM
Treble.ai + Zoho CRM
Integration between Zoho CRM and WhatsApp for automations
Felipe Otálora
The treble.ai team is happy to launch its integration with HubSpot! With it, you'll be able to create automated conversations from your own HubSpot account, and at the same time you can save all new data from said conversations into your HubSpot contacts.
treble.ai + HubSpot
A HubSpot integration for WhatsApp conversation automation
Felipe Otálora
Felipe Otálora
started a discussion

What are the best resources for outbound sales?

Hello Makers! I have been reading To Sell is Human by Daniel H. Pink and I feel it is a great resource on learning sales but what other resources do you use to sell? I would love to hear about books, podcasts, blogs, anything.