Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah

Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah

Frontend developer
5 points
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Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah
Congrats for your streak, I’m still on going
Rully Ardiansyah
Celebrating 30 days streak~!
Rully Ardiansyah
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Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah
Congrats for the product launch~! It's really awesome
Launch a Revenue-Generating Invoice System
Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah
I would like to pick it because when I starting a busi ess, I don’t have much fund
Rully Ardiansyah
What's your opinion about custom email with one time payment?
Rully Ardiansyah
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Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah
As a customer, yes I need those receipt for my cashflow
Rully Ardiansyah
Is purchase receipt really important?
Rully Ardiansyah
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