David Edwards

David Edwards

Building tools with Chat GPT!
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David Edwards
David Edwards
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Subscription cost, how much to charge?

I'm about to launch a Chrome Extension using a subscription model, however i'm unsure how much to charge for the subscription per month. I was thinking maybe $2.00, however i wasn't sure if that was too high or too low. I feel the extension has value, however it seems in my research many extension users expect an extension to be free. The extension is designed for allowing users to manage...
David Edwards
David Edwards
started a discussion

How to present this data in a useful way?

If you have the following data variables; Subscription service, billing cycle, cost, category and weight of importance to the user (value between 1-5) For multiple subscriptions (Netflix, Spotify etc) belonging to an individual, what meaningful and useful way could you present that back to the user in forms of graphs / charts?
David Edwards
David Edwards
started a discussion

Subscription or One Time Fee?

I'm currently building a Chrome extension that i feel will be very useful in helping individuals manage and monitor a specific monetary concern. After creating a few free extensions, i really want to monetize this one. I'm curious if to go down a subscription path or one time fee. Thank you.
David Edwards
David Edwards
started a discussion

How can I monetize something thing that people expect for free?

I've created a lot of small tools, Chrome extensions and such. However it seems many people are not willing to pay for these. So I added a donation button into the extensions and offered them for free. I spent many months finessing and refining them and feel a little deflated that it seems i wont get any ROI of time. For example this:...
David Edwards
Hundreds of open tabs can quickly become overwhelming when searching for a specific page or trying to locate all the tabs relating to a specific domain or subject. Tablisto reduces this to a quick way of visualizing the multiple tabs and browser windows.
Quickly search for, filter and navigate Chrome tabs.
David Edwards
Tab Wrangler boosts productivity by organizing Chrome tabs. Group, filter, and manage tabs to declutter browsing. Features include tab organization, group saving and quick navigation. Also the ability to export tab data!
Tab Wrangler
Tab Wrangler
A Chrome extension for managing, storing & navigating tabs