Ethan Harris

Ethan Harris

FSU CS, Indie Hacker
13 points
All activity
Ethan Harris

📦 Charity Box is a service to be held accountable to giving to charity once a month.

📦 Charity Box
Make a financial commitment to charity 🕊 Donate or pay 💰
Ethan Harris

FlipList is an online retail arbitrage database which scrapes data about the most popular products, and finds where they're being sold for the highest and lowest. It takes into account selling fees, shipping, even quality of the item.

See the most profitable products on the Internet.
Ethan Harris

WorkWizrd allows service business owners to offer their services on-demand, on their own schedules, with their own pricing. Customers get to see what they can get done with a click in their area in a marketplace.

A free, automated, two-sided marketplace for local services.
Ethan Harris
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