Ericka Gonzalez

Ericka Gonzalez

Entrepreneur. Mental Health Advocate.
53 points
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Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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anything sour
Hashir Ahmed
What's your go-to comfort food?
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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Let’s connect and support each other on Instagram!

share your instagram handle below 👇🏻 Please describe your product(s) as well! 📷 @mindwheelpro MindWheel: App coming soon with science based tools on breaking bad habits and adopting a positive mindset.
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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The uncertainty and doubts at the beginning
Thomas “Tommy”
What do you enjoy the least in the process of becoming a successful entrepreneur?
Thomas “Tommy”
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Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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Roast my website

Hi everyone, I recently finished building my product: PinPal. PinPal is a Pinterest Marketing subscription-based service that helps businesses drive massive traffic to their website through strategy development, consistent pinning, SEO, and high-quality visual designs. I currently have a few clients that subscribed because they were already on Pinterest and understood the value Pinterest...
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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bloggers, e-commerce shops
Natia Kurdadze
Who is your target market?
Natia Kurdadze
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Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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Really great tips! Congrats 🎉
We're currently #2 on Product Hunt. Here are some tips for future launchers...
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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Very cool! Congrats on your launch!
Cory Sanchez
Do you have a desire to tell your life story?
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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A 3, but then I listened to some ABBA and ended my day with a 5 :)
Max Yamp
What's your mood today on a scale of one to five?
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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Anyone uses Pinterest to drive web traffic (ex. bloggers, e-commerce sites)?

Curious to know if anyone here uses Pinterest to engage and attract potential customers. It's often the most overlooked social network. However, it's the only one that functions as a visual search engine, making it one of the best places to get more traffic to your website.
Ericka Gonzalez
Ericka Gonzalez
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start today
Natia Kurdadze
What are some of your most favourite pieces of advice?
Natia Kurdadze
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