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Findnlink is the place where ideas become reality.
We will turn your idea into a awesome project that includes a logo, job postings, and a Kanban board, all powered by AI.
Get in touch with like-minded people and work together on your project.

Generate your project with AI

Emil Hopf
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Exciting news! Our big AI Update is here.
With just your idea, it is possible to create:
- A project page with a logo and description
- Multiple job listings to find team members instantly
- A real-time AI-generated Kanban board (Todo list) to kickstart collaboration with your team.
For more details, visit the Findnlink project page and check out the Roadmap:

Generate your project with AI

Findnlink is a platform where you can share your projects and find co-founders/members.
- Customize your project page
- Create your own portfolio / profile
- Show your skills
We want to make Findnlink a great virtual workspace to connect teams together 👌
Find people to work with on your ideas.

Emil Hopf
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Happy new year 🥳
Will be a great year for your projects and we are happy to accompany you on your way.
From now on we are focusing to improve Findnlink.
We are working on a chat and a project management tool, so that you are able to take track of your project and can work together as a team.
If you find any bugs or have feature wishes, we would be thankful if you could write us
Find people to work with on your ideas.

When the app is opened, the contact persons are saved securely and anonymously. If a person is infected, they press a button. All of his contact persons are automatically notified.
This app is based on self-courage to work together against the virus. ❤️ ☯

The spread of the covid-19 slows down with Helpy