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Fennel Doyle
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Which is the better invention of all time?

A COVID-19 Child Care Toolkit to Modernize FAQs for Parents

Fennel Doyle
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emcaso auto-fills legal paperwork & simplifies everyday family routines.
Our mission is create to a new gold standard for family emergency preparation and response, by modernizing family care FAQs.
What are you building for the Makers Festival? 😻
Aaron O'Leary
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Fennel Doyle
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ACTION REQUIRED OF YOU: Come on earthlings, tech bros, papas, and awesome uncles out there...
Help us build the next-gen of frigerator notes for parents, as a nifty time saving safety tool that lets parents share FAQs/FYI/in case of emergency/follow my instruction notes!
What's wrong?
*In 2020, stay at home parents are actually very nomadic, "on-the-go". Working parents need a non-parent to...
Would you wager the well being of your young child on...your handwriting?
Fennel Doyle
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Fennel Doyle
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join us! help us help essential workers gain rapid childcare
> @emcasoapp
Startup-founder and YC alum looking to join a team! Let's build something awesome 🤘
Gabe Ragland
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Fennel Doyle
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Who is willing to bet, that during a major medical emergency...a stranger will be able to read your handwriting (within a mini rectangle box the size of an almond) -- in order to comprehend specific instructions about how to care for your child(ren)?

A COVID-19 Child Care Toolkit to Modernize FAQs for Parents

Fennel Doyle
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emcaso accelerates the time it takes for a ESW parent to acquire child care assistance. The faster the parent provides the answers, the faster their child(ren) can be taken care of by a non-parent care giver. In this case:
The San Francisco Emergency Child Care Program for Young Children aims to provide high-quality care for children (up to age 5) of Essential Services Workers (ESWs), as...

A COVID-19 Child Care Toolkit to Modernize FAQs for Parents

Fennel Doyle
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The manual ways parents share child care FAQs is tedious, time consuming and dysfunctional. Parents need automation to streamline family FAQ answers to auto-fill legal forms and simplify everyday family routines.

A COVID-19 Child Care Toolkit to Modernize FAQs for Parents

emcaso is a new gold standard for emergency family care. App lets parents share child care FAQs 60-11kX faster & easier while solving for readability issues. Help us help Essential Workers!
emcaso auto-fills paperwork & simplifies family routines.

A COVID-19 Child Care Toolkit to Modernize FAQs for Parents