Hi there, My name is Elzat and I am the co-founder of Stevie AI - the SEO tool designed for Startups. I'm currently working on Stevie AI - the marketing and design side to be specific. I was previously studying International Relations at GWU (add me if you're a GW student :D) and transferred to marketing. I've been working with two of my amazing founders on Stevie for a few months now and it's nothing but fun and pain. Stevie is the cute little robot's name on Stevie AI's logo, which I came up with while looking for a logo and he's been our companion since. When we build new features, we're not "adding to the product" - we're adding to Stevie's "arsenal" of skills. If you're a Startup or have a business that needs SEO, consider checking out Stevie. Thanks!
Founder & Leadership at Stevie AI