Elisabeth Was

Elisabeth Was

Truth is underestimated
62 points
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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Congrats! Just upvoted 👍
Doğukan Tezcan
We are launching TransferChain Send today!🎉
Doğukan Tezcan
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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Thanks Katja for the info. Just clicked the button! Hope to be notified soon :)
Katja Alissa Mueller
'Informed' is officially launching soon!
Katja Alissa Mueller
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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Treating yourself - a nice piece of cake after some walking :)
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
How do you practice self-care during a busy week? Let's exchange ideas and encourage wellness 🧘
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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👏👏👏 Congratulations David! Upvoted!
David Cagigas
We are live! Edworking launching today! AMA
David Cagigas
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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The Most Important Lessons You've Learned in Your Career

and how have they influenced your approach to work?
Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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What was your favorite toy or game from childhood? (A lighthearted topic that can bring back fond memories).
Katja Alissa Mueller
What's the best ice breaker question you ever used/come across?
Katja Alissa Mueller
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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Is your product aligned with the idea of "Tech4Good"?

If “Technology for Good” means using technology for positive outcomes for people, communities, or the environment.
Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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The ultimate destination for comparing and ranking workplace cultures https://culturama.is
Sunny Kumar
Can you share what you're working on in 10 words or less?
Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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Upvoted! All the best Alan 👍
Alan Shteynberg
Our team is prelaunching Wyrlds and we can use your help!
Alan Shteynberg
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Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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How is your product aligned with or guided by the concept of "Technology for Good"?

Briefly, technology for good refers to the use of technology to bring positive and beneficial outcomes for individuals, communities, and/or the environment. My hope for our product Culturama (https://culturama.is) is to bring more transparency to the work cultures of modern companies. I believe that transparency is key to building trust and improving employee satisfaction, which ultimately...
Elisabeth Was
Elisabeth Was
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Really nice and useful idea in all today’s noise. All the best with your project!
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