Eduardo Bouças

Eduardo Bouças

Senior Engineer, DADI+
31 points
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Eduardo Bouças
Netlify's Platform Primitives provide developers with advanced platform-level controls, including Fine-Grained Cache Control, Image CDN, Blobs, and ISR. These features seamlessly work with any framework, offering enhanced content management capabilities.
Netlify Platform Primitives
Netlify Platform Primitives
Turn your static pages into dynamic experiences
Eduardo Bouças
Only on Netlify's Next.js Runtime, new Next.js Advanced Middleware gives developers control to rewrite responses and transform content at the edge. Achieve personalization with less effort and better performance. Available today on all Netlify plans.
Next.js Runtime by Netlify
Next.js Runtime by Netlify
The better runtime for Next.js
Eduardo Bouças

A new era of cloud computing services, powered by blockchain technology.

DADI is a global, decentralized cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

Decentralized web services