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Eddie H.
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Added templates to our product called Stickies, which is a visual project management app. Now users can get started quicker with templates for kanban, content curation, brainstorming, etc. It was a hot request item from existing customers so we're happy we finally got it out.
What did you ship this week? Let the community give feedback to your project?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Eddie H.
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Not enough focus on marketing.
What's the biggest mistake you've made as a founder?
Richard Fang
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Stickies is a fun visual way to curate, organize, and manage your work. Perfect for project management, taking notes, content curation, capturing ideas, and team collaboration. Get it on the web, desktop, mobile, and as a browser extension.

Stickies by Crucial Human
A fun visual way to curate, organize, and manage your work

Eddie H.
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If it's deep work, I listen to music that is repetitive like House. Can't have words or lyrics though - they are distracting.
Do you listen to music / audio when working (or do you sit in silence)?
Richard Fang
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Eddie H.
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Hello Product Hunt! - Stickies lets you organize your work, curate content, and collaborate with others in a fun visual way. It's easy, it's fun, it's available on multiple platforms, and you can use it by yourself or with a team.
Here is the rundown:
Use Cases - note taking, content curation, organize your life, collaborate with a team, capture ideas, manage and schedule your work, share...

Stickies by Crucial Human
A fun visual way to curate, organize, and manage your work

Eddie H.
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Block social media. Drink lots of water and get some sleep.
What's your best productivity tip?
Richard Fang
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Eddie H.
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I draw the line of productivity between teams and individuals. Individual productivity is 10% the tool, 10% the methodology, and 80% your own will and commitment. For teams, the tool becomes more necessary and important. Fair warning, this is my product, and it's awesome because it lets you work the way you want to work. Let out the chaos in your mind in a free form fashion and then bring order...
Is productivity complicated?
Maths Mathisen
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Crucial Human Theme is a VSCode IDE dark theme dressed in royal purple and designed to keep you focused.
Click "Get It" to install it from the Visual Studio Marketplace or simply search for "Crucial Human" from inside VSCode -> Extensions.
Crucial Human Theme for VSCode
A royal dark theme for VSCode

Eddie H.
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I'm a nomad in our home. I switch between a dedicated office, kitchen, dining room, porch. I prefer being by windows.
What's your favourite remote work setting?
Dhruv Bhatia
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Eddie H.
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I end up working longer. There's no delineation to tell me when work ends like leaving the office.
What's the hardest part of working remotely for you?

Eddie H.
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Hello friends!
This theme is based on the colors of Crucial Human ( We hope you like it and that it makes you super productive, focused, and undisturbed programmers!
Of course, feedback is incredibly appreciated. Happy coding! 😎
Crucial Human Theme for VSCode
A royal dark theme for VSCode

Eddie H.
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I watched the Exorcist when I was 7 yrs old. Had trouble sleeping for 5 years after that so it is definitely not my favorite. The Ring and High Tension stand out for me.
What are your favorite spooky movies?
Aaron O'Leary
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Eddie H.
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"Work life integration" is a term I've heard to best describe what I'm about to say. For many of us, especially now, work is part of life. We spend the most time at work. If you integrate work into your life as opposed to trying to keep them separate, you will have a better chance of achieving a nice flow and balance.
According to you how can we maintain a good work-life balance?
Vartika Jaiswal
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Eddie H.
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They certainly did not need billions of dollars to validate a concept. They could have asked people what they watched on their phones and the answer would probably have been TikTok and viral videos on YouTube, not short films.
The tech startup Quibi closed after 6 months. What are your thoughts on the subject?🤔
Gab Bujold 💀
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Eddie H.
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Hi Sarah, is there such a thing as ad fatigue? A user gets so inundated with ads from a particular brand that it turns them off? If so, how do you strike a balance?
I'm Sarah, a digital correspondent, consultant and founder. AMA! 🔥
Sarah Evans
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Eddie H.
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Drop the kids off to school. The 15 min drive back is a nice way to think broadly about what I want to accomplish this week.
How do you start your week?
Aaron O'Leary
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Eddie H.
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Andrew Yang, who ran for president this year, has been a strong proponent for the idea that companies should be paying us for use of our data. He started the Data Dividend Project (
I think this is the root of the issue. As they mentioned in the film, if it's free, you are the product....
Following "The Social Dilemma", what types of regulations for tech companies?
Baptiste N
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Eddie H.
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As a bootstrapped founder, I look at my dwindling bank account as motivation. I also look at my family and remember that I'm doing this for them. For some reason, negativity is a great motivator for me personally.
How do you keep yourself motivated?
Shakil Ahmed
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Eddie H.
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We launched our flagship product under a separate brand. My company is called Crucial Human ( but the product we launched initally was called Paper Workspace. We have since rebranded that as Crucial Human Workspace because as a startup, we found that it was a bad idea to confuse our audience with different brands. For example, we started getting more social media...
Do you recommend to have separate names for your product and your company?

Eddie H.
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Why do you dislike your task / project management apps?
This is a generalization of course. But do a quick Google search on this topic and you'll see a bunch of articles on this topic with a number of reasons why. I'd like to know your personal issues with task management apps. What type of work do you do and where do these apps help vs. get in the way?