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eddie wharton
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Very cool, definitely a real problem and surprising there aren’t better solutions. How have early users used it (multi sig with trusted friends, multiple own wallets, etc)?

Vault DAO
Keep your crypto and NFTs safe with Upstream’s Vault DAO.

eddie wharton
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This class looks great. I wish I worked in SEO so I could benefit from taking it. Curious how SEO specific this content is or if it could be broadly help people get buy in for their ideas, especially technical ones.

The SEO MBA Course on Executive Presence
A 5 week course to teach business skills to SEOs

eddie wharton
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I'm fan of Zest and look forward to trying the latest! Does the carbonation indicate zest is being used more as a substitute for carbonated energy drinks instead of coffee?

Zest Tea 2.0 | Energy Teas
Sparkling caffeinated tea. Kicks like coffee w/o the crash.

eddie wharton
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A useful tool to see how much a project will net a freelancer after taxes. Can help figure out if you should take on the project and how much taxes to set aside
Freelance Project Tax Calculator
Calculate taxes and take-home pay for your freelance work

The Freelance Project Tax Calculator helps freelancers figure out what they should charge, what their tax burden is on a project, and what they get to take home.
Now freelancers can built taxes into their pricing and avoid unpleasant quarterly surprises.
Freelance Project Tax Calculator
Calculate taxes and take-home pay for your freelance work

eddie wharton
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Love this! I imagine selling to creative teams is tricky. What have you learned about the ways creative teams buy software / vet project management tools?
Easily manage your creative work

eddie wharton
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@shane_metcalf I'm really excited to see this feature. I work at a company that uses 15Five and want to try it! When will this get rolled out to customers?

15Five Objectives
Keep your team focused, engaged, and aligned

eddie wharton
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This is very exciting! I love reading hardbound stories. There are so few places on the internet where I can find content that is fun to read and that is also informative. It's also the perfect length to download a story and read it during my commute.
At some point, you have to make a hardbound story explaining how you choose topics, how you design stories and how distribute the content.
Stories for curious minds

eddie wharton
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Pando lets users create “group stories” where every group member can contribute. Pando group stories work similarly to Snapchat stories but revolve around group content creation rather than individual broadcasting. Only group members can view the stories. These stories refresh everyday.
I'm always looking for new ways to stay in touch with friends. I recently moved from New Orleans to NY. I'd...

Pando - Group Stories
Private Snapchat-style stories for groups

Pando - Group Stories
Private Snapchat-style stories for groups

eddie wharton
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There are a lot of very serious bots. They try to solve novel AI problems. This is just meant to be fun. It can only tell Dad Jokes. It has a very narrow domain. Just text 631-954-2447 to get things started. I built this using Dexter ( and Twilio.

Dad Jokes Bot
Text "Dad Jokes" to 631-954-2447 😁

Dad Jokes Bot
Text "Dad Jokes" to 631-954-2447 😁

eddie wharton
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Unfortunately, there is a waitlist. Few companies actually have proprietary data that could be helpful. I'm really looking forward to trying this out

Local recommendations based on where you go. By Foursquare.

eddie wharton
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This looks awesome! I recently selected customers for a company promotion. Doing this manually takes a lot of work and data access. Definitely feels like a great value proposition to buy this instead of using internal resources.

SocialRank Premium
Take action with your audience on Twitter and Instagram

eddie wharton
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Reading / education are often considered to be a positive activity that requires either willpower or good habits. Conversely, "entertainment" is a negative activity that should be done in moderation. Personally, I've always felt there was a huge opportunity to blur those lines. I've really enjoy Hardbound and look forward to reading more of the stories on there.

Hardbound Writer's Program
YC for writers: experiment in a new media format

eddie wharton
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This concept really resonate with me. I live in New Orleans, which gets lots of tourists. Many of them will spend their entire trip at the culturally hollow bourbon st, overpriced hotels and bars that people who live here would roll their eyes at. There's much better (& cheaper) places to eat and drink. Also, who wants to visit a city only to hang out with other tourists? Hopefully, ViaHero...

Don't plan your trip yourself, let a Hero come to the rescue

eddie wharton
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This is a great product for Data Scientists. It makes it easier to collaborate with other technical and non-technical users. Python or R models can be deployed as an API and thus productionized much easier. It offers scalable computing via AWS. I checked out their demo and concluded that the team I work on is currently too small to need this. As a data scientist, I can say that this is...

Domino Data Lab
Make data scientists more productive

Domino Data Lab
Make data scientists more productive

eddie wharton
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I’m really happy to see that this exists. I am short and most American brands do a very poor job of offering a shirt that fits me well. If I buy off the rack, I often need to get clothes tailored. That makes online shopping very unpleasant with American brands as I never know if something will fit even if I get a small. Instead, I will usually just shop for European or Korean brands.
I backed...

Ash & Anvil Everyday Shirt
Casual button downs designed for shorter guys