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Go Stretch is a free online tool that reminds you to take quick breaks which help and prevent the symptoms of repetitive stress injuries. Care for yourself like you take care of work.
Reminds you every 15m to take 30s micro-breaks and every hour, 10m breaks. ➥ Boost Productivity
Stretch and break reminder to prevent RSI and office pain
Dylan Opet
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As a young designer and developer, I've suffered RSI for many years. If I had a simple and minimalist tool to remind me that I needed to stretch here and there in between short periods, I could've prevented years of pain along with five figures spent trying to diminish these symptoms. I wouldn't wish this on anyone with how debilitating it can be some days.
Purchased all of the ergonomics you... ➥ Boost Productivity
Stretch and break reminder to prevent RSI and office pain
Dylan Opet
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This looks like a wonderful mix of having a better LinkedIn and a closer community for the clean energy sector! Super cool! 👏👏

Clean Energy Social
Powering the clean energy professional network
Dylan Opet
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I love the product, however I texted you guys multiple times when I ordered on May 30th when it said 2 day shipping, I got emails saying you guys had tons of orders and needed to catch up and about last week which was months, I have moved and it sent to my old address that should've been sent to weeks ago. Would love for Customer Support to maybe try to respond back and figure out how we can...
An advanced chicken nugget simulation
Dylan Opet
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Being someone as a senior UX who has actually worked with a loyalty rewards companies and doing long focus studies of easy ways to link and reward an experience, this is the best way to do so from others like Belly using their app or scanning QR codes, this removes one extra (and somewhat can be a lengthy step).
Pros: Brilliant idea for linking rewards!
Cons: Don't see any yet, this is far...

Get free rewards at local businesses
Dylan Opet
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OG backer as well back again to get v2! SO STOKED!
BetterBack Therapy
Effortlessly sit in perfect posture + back pain relief
Dylan Opet
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This will be wonderful for my 10k+ followers for live DJ streaming! Already use Wirecast w/ gear!

Periscope Producer
A new way to broadcast live video
Dylan Opet
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Thank you. Actually made it very simple for me to register within 2 minutes for Arizona.

Literally the easiest way to vote
Dylan Opet
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Wow, this is really rad!
Podo Camera
A wireless camera you can stick on any surface 📷
Dylan Opet
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Hehe, interesting perspective! As a UX Researcher and from working with similar things to Lyst, Keep and Polyvore...curious to see how motivated the average user (w/ no insane following fashion base; aka 'Tumblr/Instafamous fashonistas') will be to actually want to accumulate the affiliate fees in the long run of their daily activity (which might not be exponential) to continue sharing their...

Fashion Tap
Make money from sharing & tagging the brands you're wearing
Dylan Opet
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"Shocking results about North West that leave Kayne West and Kim Kardashian frightened from the feet up... Open your eyes because they're looking North East!" - 100 lolwut

Analyse how engaging your headline is
Dylan Opet
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Nice work Mitch, definitely going to try sometime! I'm a guilty pleasure of using GrubHub and/or the annoying phone conversations that they can't seem to understand.
order food via text from any restaurant, anywhere.
Dylan Opet
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Brilliant, as a DJ can think of a million ways to curate playlists via these visuals.

Artist Explorer - Spotify API Code Example
Discover similar artists and create a playlist
Dylan Opet
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Awesome stuff! Will have to use for future web projects.

Free image for commercial use
Dylan Opet
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Haha, pretty funny! Right on!

Give yourself the hair of the iconic Politician/Buisnessman
Dylan Opet
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Pretty awesome, definitely using for my next stack.

Alo – Server Probe
Alo - A Lightwight PHP-Based Server Probe.