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Note:I did not use the product.
Feature Suggesstion - Prompt to Dataset generator using prompt engenering and ChatGPT or the Code Interpreter model.I had noticed that ChatGPT with GPT 3.5 generates accurate data when asked to give it in a very vaired range in a tab.Potentailly such specific prompts are not needed in the Code Interpreter modle to get the same results.Having a model to generate...
No code data-driven decisions - all insight, pure value

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Feedback: A chrome extension for getting the transcript of YouTube Video from the subtitles.
Is it possible to get the subtitles of YouTube videos from links. It will then be possible to watch videos upto 3 to 3.5 times faster with Vidoe Speed up add-ons without loss in comprehension.
I could not find any extension which does that.If that feature is added if it does not exist. People will be...
Auto Subtitles
Add auto-generated subtitles to videos in seconds

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I blackened all the filler words and numbers and had the non filler words highlighted with red(With the colour of their text remaining black) and then used an extension to convert the text in one website to bionic and I was able to read approximately 3 times faster maybe if a feature to highlight the non filler words with a moving pacer will be added to Readsy then we will be able to read 9x...

Auto-highlighted text for faster reading

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@emjp5f I tried reading the Fade Less Important words section with *bionic reading*,I think that if there would be a feature to do *3d* reading in Readsy like in 3read extension(similar to bionic reading however not bionic reading for patent and copyright reason) *without filler words* ,Then it might increase comprehension and reading speed

Auto-highlighted text for faster reading

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It will be great if this tool can play video at 3.5x speed.

Play YouTube videos as audio in background without ads

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I loved it when I first saw your product and I have also sent you a mail from your e-mail id in your software to talk about this product.

LearnObit (Beta 2)
A cognitive tool to boost learning