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    Dryden Williams
    Create artwork that will be physically stored in different CockroachDB nodes around the world.
    Make Your Own Art
    Make Your Own Art
    Host artwork all around the world
    Dryden Williams
    Dryden Williams
    started a discussion

    What is a good Subscriber lifetime value?

    I was just having a poke around on Stripe and wondered what other Sass startups had as their metrics. We (EcoPing.earth) have got a 3% conversion which I'm happy about. And a £2,182.86 Subscriber lifetime value which looks great but not sure if it is or not.
    Dryden Williams
    How does data transfer work between the browser, the server, and the database? You may be surprised at the distances that data has to travel.
    Edge Locations
    Edge Locations
    The Distance from Data to You in Edge Computing