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Drew Pilat
Follow your favorite teams and join a community of super fans on Sideline - the Reddit app for basketball. Sideline supercharges reddit sports communities with live stats and scores, live game threads, highlights and more. Plus, Sideline is free with no ads!
Live game threads, box scores, highlights and more
Drew Pilat
Use your voice (or type) to respond to prompts on topics like imposter syndrome or productivity, complete mood check-ins, and personalize your journal in the shop!
Interactive and fun self-care app
Drew Pilat
Type a negative thought and watch it shoot off into space.
Observe other bad vibes being ejected into the great beyond.
Exhale negative thoughts into the void
Drew Pilat
Drew Pilat
left a comment
Awesome website and idea!
Never waste hours on finding the perfect color palette again
Drew Pilat
Guided journaling for students who want to prioritize their mental health and develop healthy habits.
Wellnest Journal
Wellnest Journal
Guided journaling for students.
Drew Pilat
Drew Pilat
left a comment
Great idea! I'll definitely list my company and share this with some friends.
A free & anonymous startup acquisition marketplace