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Dovi Lipton
Dovi Lipton
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Do you bring the people or just the tech?
Gather 1000+ user interviews without your hand in it
Dovi Lipton
Dovi Lipton
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This looks awesome. Thinking of ordering for my nieces and nephews!
Create a storybook featuring your kid from scratch
Dovi Lipton
The 1st real tool for managing challenges and competitions! Challenges can be free or paid, and for any duration. Set milestones and track progress. Turn your challenge into a competition by assigning winners. Optimize and automate your challenge.
Platform to launch your paid community challenges
Dovi Lipton
Dovi Lipton
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Super cool. I've always found it hard to work with RegEx. This is great!
Ai Regex
Ai Regex
AI-driven regular expression generator
Dovi Lipton
Dovi Lipton
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This product looks sick.
Living Images
Optimize your images with generative A/B testing
Dovi Lipton
Dovi Lipton
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Better for what?
Abhinish Tiwari
Which one is better LinkedIn or Twitter?
Abhinish Tiwari
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Dovi Lipton
Dovi Lipton
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Very interesting looking product.
The ultimate AI powerhouse