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  • Anton Dosov (Dosant)

    Anton Dosov (Dosant)

    Co-founder of Remeet
    14 points
    All activity
    Anton Dosov (Dosant)
    Remeet reverses the chronic flow of top-down standing meetings with transparent company-wide topics backlog, an autonomous meeting scheduler, and multi-dimensional meeting rooms.
    Combat meeting fatigue
    Anton Dosov (Dosant)
    All of your meetings are extremely efficient
    All your meetings take place in the same 1 or 2 hour windows
    You have a lot more time to do actual work
    You never have to check someone’s availability
    You actually enjoy your meetings
    You can have it all 🚀
    Meetter 2.0
    Meetter 2.0
    Achieve work-meeting balance