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A free keyword tool to find keyword suggestions, improve your SEO game and research ideas. Based on Google Analytics, Keyword Planner and SEMRush to help find semantically similar and long tail keywords.
another keyword tool
Turn ideas into traffic with keyword trend research
Donna Mägi
left a comment
Hey! I've been working solo on this for the past 2 months.
I first launched on Reddit and got some amazing feedback from there. Stuff like this is always a work in progress, but I hope PH will love this as well!
another keyword tool
Turn ideas into traffic with keyword trend research
Donna Mägi
started a discussion
what tools do you use to validate ideas?
As a solo maker, I only build when I know there's an audience. Making sure my market has decent volume is so crucial, and there's so many tools in this niche! So – what's your go to? evaluates your product idea's market demand and financial viability using Google Search data. And it only takes a couple of seconds.
Data-driven validation of your idea's market and financials