Kelvin O. Omereshone

Kelvin O. Omereshone

Indie hacking to $1.2M ARR
69 points
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Kelvin O. Omereshone
Kelvin O. Omereshone
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Congratulations on your launch. Maillayer looks quite promising.
Send email campaigns via Amazon SES with NoCode
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Kelvin O. Omereshone
Kelvin O. Omereshone
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Amazing product
Tally 2.0
Tally 2.0
The simplest way to create forms for free
Kelvin O. Omereshone
Kelvin O. Omereshone
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Some amazing features we've got. I think my favorite might be flows as they help communicating API integrations really well.
Davor Kolenc
We just launched our Treblle v2.0 - All-in-one platform for the entire API lifecycle // Feedback?
+1 comment
Kelvin O. Omereshone
Treble gives you and your entire team API superpowers like: automatically generated docs, API monitoring and analytics, error tracking, quality scoring and more. All of that in one place with one simple SDK integration.
Treblle 2.0
All-in-one platform for the entire API lifecycle
Kelvin O. Omereshone
Say ahoy to guppy - the needed tinker tool for every backend Javascript developer. You will find yourself having this desktop app open as you do any backend Javascript development.
The tinker tool for backend Javascript
Kelvin O. Omereshone
Before Sailscasts: You wonder where to learn and master Sails to a pro level for your work and personal projects. Endless google search and hunting for answers across the Sails documentation for how to get things done. After Sailscasts: Master Sails to build your ideas, products and businesses.
Sails.js screencasts for Web Developers
Kelvin O. Omereshone
Kelvin O. Omereshone
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Pretty good. Congratulations
Digital bank for teenagers in Latam