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Dominick Tavitian
refer me connects job seekers to professionals who can directly refer them to any job they want - you find a job you want, submit, and your candidacy is sent to an employee who works at the company's email inbox
Refer Me
Get referred to your dream job without the hassle
Dominick Tavitian
Dominick Tavitian
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i feel like excel or sheets is still so good
peter ding
What's your favorite project management tool?
Dominick Tavitian
Dominick Tavitian
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What's your favorite cold reach out strategy?

Cold calls, cold emails, cold linkedin, etc. - the list goes on. Personally, building Refer Me (, the best way I've found getting to know folks on the B2B side is by offering them a free month of premium to chat for 15 minutes because many of the referrers are B2B decision makers. You get to know your customers pain points as a default by chatting with them, but also...
Dominick Tavitian
Dominick Tavitian
left a comment
Yeah I will be launching and also
Alex Kim
Our product will launch next month! Is there anyone else who will launch next month?