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Daniel Heitz

SprintHub is a fully automated Backlog and Kanban board for your GitHub issues. It uses milestones as Backlog items and Issues as tasks, nicely oranized in a simple Kanban view. SprintHub is being updated automatically when working with GitHub issues and milestones. It helps you to stay focused at all times.

Manage your GitHub issues automagically
Daniel Heitz

LeanBoard is a collaborative whiteboard with sticky notes that connects with your GitHub issue. Login with your GitHub account, create a board for an issue and a snapshot of your notes are embedded in the issue automatically.

Collaborative board with sticky notes for your GitHub issues
Daniel Heitz

POEditor is a highly scalable localization management service designed for translating software products, such as apps, sites and games.

Integrated with GitHub, it syncs with your repos automatically. You don't ever need to touch a language file.

Slack and HipChat integrations make it easy to get realtime updates about the localization process and the translation progress.

Software localization management platform
Daniel Heitz

MyGet provides hosted NuGet, npm, Bower, Maven, PHP Composer and VSIX feeds for individual developers, open source projects and corporate development teams. Create artifact feed for your developers, clients or the entire world.

Hosted package repository server
Daniel Heitz

Windows developers use AppVeyor to continuously run their tests and deploy apps to cloud or on-premise environments. AppVeyor CI can update the build status on your GitHub pull requests, upload build artifacts to project release and deploy successful builds.

Continuous Integration solution for Windows
Daniel Heitz
Daniel Heitz
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Simple and good, thanks!
A real-time whiteboard for your team. No signups required.
Daniel Heitz

AccessLint brings automated web accessibility testing into your development workflow. When a pull request is opened, AccessLint reviews the changes and comments with any new accessibility issues, giving you quick, timely, and targeted feedback, before code goes live.

AccessLint finds accessibility issues in your GitHub PRs
Daniel Heitz

Coveralls helps you deliver code confidently by showing which parts of your code aren’t covered by your test suite.

Detect code that isn't covered by your test suite
Daniel Heitz

Better Code Hub is a web-based source code analysis service that checks a codebase for compliance with the ten guidelines presented in Building Maintainable Software. Better Code Hub is free for open source and has a paid plan for private repos via the GitHub Marketplace.

Better Code Hub
Better Code Hub
A tool to guide you in writing better code.
Daniel Heitz

BackHub creates daily recurring backups of all your repositories with up to 30 days of snapshots. Backups include the repository and all metadata including the wikis, issues, and pull requests associated with it.

Backup your GitHub Repositories
Daniel Heitz
Daniel Heitz
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Looking forward driving around the world in a Tesla :) Huge gap between Europe and Eastern Asia though
Trips by Tesla
See where your Tesla can take you around the world πŸš— ⚑️
Daniel Heitz

an adventure of a lifetime! We cross countries on a train with 2-3 day stopovers in major cities.

Key route of 2017 and 2018 is Transsiberian railway, Moscow to Ulaanbaatar.

Nomad Train
Nomad Train
Travel on the Trans-Siberian with fellow Digital Nomads ✈️