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Dmitry Matskevich
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Chudo looks super fun, Ashot! Could be a great substitute for the basic video calls that are essential right now. + the use case I’ve told you about with remote teaching through video calls
Chudo Virtual Spaces
Play around, meet friends, study or party with avatars!
Dmitry Matskevich
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So cool. What about b2b segment? I wonder how I can have such bootcamp for our product owners or bizdev team?
Learn the job. Get the job.
Dmitry Matskevich
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So cool. Will I be able to choose some range of topics to discuss?
The Breakfast
Bring new awesome people to your life
Handl converts any document into structured data. Powered by AI that is constantly improved by the data labeling platform.
Turn paper documents into structured data
Dmitry Matskevich
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Have you used an open source solution to detect facial expressions?
Magic 2.0
Detects emotions in real-time and animates selfie-videos
Dmitry Matskevich
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Wow! Emotions and body gestures tracking could be very promising technologies for AR. Good luck! Btw what are the main hypos for monetization?
Animated stickers starring you
Dmitry Matskevich
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Wow! My favorite feature so far! Do you have any plan for future integrations?
Statsbot Alerts
Immediately focus on significant changes in your data
Dmitry Matskevich
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Wow. Need the solution for a long time. Thank you! how you gonna work with Whatsapp? As far as I know they are blocking any API
Whatshelp Widget
Chat with website visitors via popular messaging apps
Dmitry Matskevich
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Hey everyone — thanks for your upvotes, comments, and support. Happy to be on Product Hunt.
Here is some background on Icon8. It is a messenger-first neural styling for selfies. We’ve decided to focus on selfies as they are 30-50% of all pictures shared on social media. Our selfies and those of our friends are very dear to us all and are particularly important. So choosing this focus was easy....
Icon8 for Telegram
AI art styles for selfies.
Icon8 for Telegram
AI art styles for selfies.