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  • Gia Quý Dương

    Gia Quý Dương

    Build something customer love
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    Gia Quý Dương
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    🔥 Have a nice day for a new challenge 🔥

    Hey everyone! I'm planning to build Art Diary (use method: Art Therapy) to help you relieve your stress and axiety on working. Whether you have practiced Art Therapy or have just heard about it. Just share your thinking about: What are your biggest challenges with practice Art Therapy as a 15 minute short break after a working session?
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    What do you think about using Art Diary to relieve stress at workplace?

    You have some stress or axiety -> get a white paper -> draw your thinking or emotion about 5 minute -> finish when you're okay
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Talk About Art Diary: Early Access User Group

    Calling all creative minds! We're looking for Early Adopters to join our Talk About Art Diary group. Art Diary is a new product that leverages art therapy to help you manage stress and anxiety at work. Help us refine our solution! Share your ideas, feedback, and experiences to help us shape Art Diary into the perfect tool for workplace wellness. We'll conduct interviews and surveys to gather...
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    My first seven days on Product Hunt! 7 day Streak 🔥

    Could we connect with each other?
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Please suggest me some ideas 🤔

    I need to refer to some small art therapy exercises that will be useful when you only have 5-10 minutes to break after hours of stressful work.
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Art Therapy Can Enhance Employee Well-being

    "Art therapy is a valuable tool for promoting well-being in the workplace. It provides employees with an opportunity to step away from the demands of their roles, de-stress, and engage in a creative process that can lead to personal growth and enhanced mental health" - Expert Insight read on Corporate Wellness Magazine.
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Congrats! Keep it up
    Samar Ali
    533 day Streak 🔥 Top 14!
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    Gia Quý Dương
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    Build something new with Art Therapy

    Hi, I'm building a mini product that helps Users relieve Stress & Axiety at workplace. The product focuses on Art Therapy Method as a short break activity after long working hours. Hope that will help everyone on PH 😊
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Ghulam Abbas
    290 day streak 🔥 Top 130!
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Happy birthday, Olena!!
    Olena Bomko
    Today is my birthday 🥳 Grateful for this community + Gift
    Gia Quý Dương
    Gia Quý Dương
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    Short-style newsletter
    Cameron Scully
    Do you like short or long-style newsletters?
    Cameron Scully
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    Gia Quý Dương
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    Facebook & Youtube
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    Which social media platform do you use most?
    Viola Schoell
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